August 25, 2022
From the archives: Madrid Spain 2012
August 25, 2022
From the archives: Madrid Spain 2012
August 24, 2022
Another one from the archives: Milano 2012 at about 5 PM when people start heading home from work.
August 23, 2022
One from the archives. This photo was taken in 2012 in Milano, Italy
November 1, 2021
Today PASSENGERS celebrates its 17th anniversary. This photo is from the 2012 archives. I remember I had just realized my camera had been shooting over-exposed and out of focus photos and was indeed broken. It didn’t make the journey any less enjoyable I must add. Paris, France.
November 1, 2016
Today is the 12th anniversary of PASSENGERS. This phot was taken at Pont de l’Archevêché. Paris, France
January 16, 2016
Pont de l’Archevêché. Paris, France
January 9, 2016
Paris, France
January 4, 2016
Paris, France
November 7, 2015
Centre Pompidou. Paris, France
November 1, 2015
Today is the 11th anniversary of PASSENGERS. I hope you’ve enjoyed these 393 photos as much as I’ve enjoyed taking them. Paris, France
October 24, 2015
Quai de la Corse. Paris, France
October 22, 2015
Paris, France
October 18, 2015
Jardin du Luxembourg. Paris, France
October 17, 2015
Louvre Museum. Paris, France
October 15, 2015
Paris, France
November 1, 2014
Today PASSENGERS celebrates its 10th anniversary. It seems like yesterday!. Paris, France
February 19, 2014
Louvre Museum. Paris, France
February 14, 2014
Il Fioraio. Milano, Italy
December 11, 2013
Monza, Italy
November 24, 2013
Monza, Italy
November 24, 2013
Monza, Italy
November 20, 2013
Via Vittorio Emanuele II. Monza, Italy
November 18, 2013
Milano, Italy
November 14, 2013
Milano, Italy
November 11, 2013
Milano, Italy
November 4, 2013
Milano, Italy
November 1, 2013
Today is the 9th anniversary of PASSENGERS. This photo was taken at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Milano, Italy
September 13, 2013
Barcelona, Spain
September 6, 2013
Barcelona, Spain
August 28, 2013
Arc de Triomf. Barcelona, Spain
August 23, 2013
Barcelona, Spain
August 22, 2013
Barri Gòtic. Barcelona, Spain
August 15, 2013
I walked into this place and the owner was from Rosario, Argentina. Great guy. Gràcia. Barcelona, Spain
August 13, 2013
Barcelona, Spain
August 12, 2013
Barcelona, Spain
August 9, 2013
Barri Gótic. Barcelona, Spain
August 7, 2013
Photo taken from Parc Guell. Barcelona, Spain
June 28, 2013
Plaza Mayor. Madrid, Spain
July 23, 2013
Madrid, Spain
July 19, 2013
Madrid, Spain
July 12, 2013
Madrid, Spain
July 10, 2013
El Rastro. Madrid, Spain
July 7, 2013
Madrid, Spain
July 31, 2013
Alcorcón. Madrid, Spain
June 29, 2013
Fundación MAPFRE. Madrid, Spain
June 26, 2013
Madrid, Spain
June 25, 2013
Madrid, Spain
June 23, 2013
Plaza Mayor. Madrid, Spain
June 22, 2013
Feria Gallega Del Marisco. Madrid, Spain
June 21, 2013
Madrid, Spain